Summer and Winter Sessions: Submit petition no later than 3 weeks before the start of the session.
Fall 2025 Semester: Submit petition no later than August 6, 2025.
If there is an extenuating circumstance and a late course repeat petition is recommended, a student’s academic advisor (listed on the myUMBC Profile) may notify the Academic Success Center directly at and case-by-case consideration will be given.
UMBC Course Repeat Policy
Students may not register for a course more than two times. Students are considered registered for a course if they are enrolled after the end of the schedule adjustment period. Students may petition the Academic Success Center for a third and final attempt of a course taken at UMBC [or] another institution. An attempt is defined as enrollment in a UMBC course (or its equivalent at another institution) in which the student has received a grade or an official withdrawal noted on the transcript.
Things to consider BEFORE submitting a course repeat petition:
- Course repeat petitions MUST be on file and complete three weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the course repeat is requested. To meet this deadline and reduce the risk of class sections filling/closing before the petition is considered, students should prepare early such that adequate time is available to complete the Course Repeat Petition – Student Checklist.
- Courses that have been added to students’ schedules, prior to the start of the semester, are subject to review. Unapproved course repeats classes may be removed and/or will not be calculated towards a student’s graduation requirements.
- In general, students are not permitted to take any other repeats at the same time when a third and final attempt of a course is involved. This includes courses taken for a second or third attempt unless there is a recommendation otherwise on file from an academic advisor/Undergraduate Program Director. If the academic advisor/Undergraduate Program Director deems that more than one course repeat in a given semester is warranted then consideration will be given when the review is conducted.
- Students who have a cumulative GPA that is below a 2.0 may be required to show grades from the most current semester before a course repeat decision will be made for the next available semester. Also, any decisions regarding academic probation, suspension or dismissal must be final before the course repeat decision will be rendered. Students who are suspended may not be considered for a course repeat petition.
- For fall/spring course repeat petitions, the overall course load may not exceed 16 credits. For summer/winter sessions, the repeated course should be the only course planned given the fast pace of the condensed sessions.
- Grades earned in past course repeat attempts (second or third attempts) will be considered when reviewing any future course repeat petitions.
- When repeating a class for a third and final attempt, students should plan to take the class at UMBC. Only with the recommendation of an academic advisor will a course repeat be considered at another institution. If the academic advisor recommends a third and final attempt of a course outside of UMBC, then a Verification of Transferability (VOT) must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for review and approval before a course repeat decision will be made.