We are happy to partner with faculty and staff to support student success! Here is a brief guide to our services. If you have additional questions, please email academicsuccess@umbc.edu
Adding Our Services to Your Syllabus or Training Guides
Thank you for sharing our services with your students! To ensure that you have the most up to date information, please use the paragraphs below. Before adding information to your syllabus, verify that the resource supports your course.
Tutoring Services are available for this course. Sessions will happen virtually and in person.
Appointment Tutoring:
The Academic Success Center offers free small group tutoring by appointment. Appointments can be scheduled online. To make an appointment, please visit http://academicsuccess.umbc.edu/appointment-tutoring
Drop-In Tutoring:
The Academic Success Center offers free drop-in tutoring for this course.
To see the schedule for this course, please visit https://academicsuccess.umbc.edu/drop-in-tutoring/
Computing Success Center:
The Academic Success Center offers free drop-in tutoring for this course through our Computing Success Center.
To see the schedule for this course, please visit http://academicsuccess.umbc.edu/computing-success-center
Writing Center:
The Academic Success Center offers free writing assistance through our Writing Center.
To make an appointment, please visit http://academicsuccess.umbc.edu/writing-center
Who are the Academic Success Center tutors?
Our tutors are students like you who have mastered the course and were recommended by faculty.
Our tutors receive ongoing training to stay up to date on the best techniques for tutoring students.
What happens during a tutoring session?
Subject tutors help students learn course concepts and analytical methods, work through practice problems, and prepare for tests.
Subject tutors can help with learning strategies and study skills for the classes they support.
If you lead a class or a group of students and you would like to arrange a visit to the Academic Success Center, or if you would like a representative of the Academic Success Center to speak in your class, training session, or other meeting, please view our Partner Request page and fill out the Partner Request Form.
SI PASS Feedback
SI PASS is currently available for courses with a high DFW rate. If you are interested in having SI PASS available for your course, please email Deb Webb.
If you currently have an SI PASS supported course and you would like to offer feedback, please fill out the Faculty Feedback Form.
Alerts should only be sent to undergraduate students who are at risk of receiving a D or F in the course. Before sending out alerts, it is highly recommended that you tell your class that you will be sending out alerts and the basis for sending them (e.g. quiz grades, first exam grades, etc.).
Sending Alerts to Students
Click the box next to the undergraduate student’s name to select the student, then click “send alerts” to send the alerts for that section. If you have no alerts to send, you may click “no alerts necessary” within the last two weeks of the alert reporting period.
Once you have selected a student, a red X will appear in the box next to their name. When you send the alert, the red X will turn gray and a date will appear under the submitted column.
If you have sent an alert to any student, the “no alerts necessary” link will change to say “complete.” When you are done sending alerts for your section, click “complete” to lock that section.
Things to Remember
- Alerts CANNOT be undone! Make sure that you are sending alerts to the right students. In case you alerted the wrong student, please contact them and let them know it was sent erroneously.
- You can send alerts until the end of the reporting period. Once you click “complete” for any class or “complete all” for all of your lists, you will be locked out and unable to send alerts for those sections.
- If you have trouble accessing your lists, make sure your browser is updated and pop-up blockers are turned off. If you have not been cleared to access your class lists, email eaa@umbc.edu.
- If you need training, assistance, or have any questions, please email eaa@umbc.edu.
Questions about the Writing Center
Where is the Writing Center?
The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the AOK Library.
What does the Writing Center do?
The Writing Center offers writing assistance for students enrolled in any undergraduate course at UMBC. Students can visit the Writing Center at any stage of the writing process, from pre-writing to final polishing. The Writing Center is also available to help students with cover letters, application essays, and self-sponsored writing projects.
What does the Writing Center not do?
The Writing Center does not edit students’ papers. Tutors may alert students to types of grammatical, mechanical, or citation-related errors made in a piece, and tutors are willing to demonstrate how such errors may be remedied, but tutors will not identify and fix every mistake. Additionally, tutors will not re-write portions of a student’s paper, nor will they provide content material. We consider such actions plagiarism, and we want to assure faculty that tutors are held to the highest academic integrity standards.
Who are the Writing Center tutors?
Writing Center tutors are undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. All tutors have been recommended by professors and have undergone a rigorous screening, interview, and training process. Tutors must maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA in order to be hired by the Academic Success Center.
What training have tutors received?
Writing tutors are trained to be responsive peer readers. Every prospective Writing Center tutor must take ENGL 321 and complete 25 hours of internship time in the Writing Center. Students are trained primarily in non-directive tutoring techniques. ENGL 321 also teaches students how to work with non-traditional students, English language learners, and students with disabilities. After successful completion of the course, students become College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certified Level 1 tutors. Tutors may complete additional coursework to earn Level 2 certification, and may complete independent research projects in order earn Level 3 certification.
Is there a limit on the number of students in one class who can come?
There is no limit. However, if you anticipate sending a large number of students (more than 10) from one class during a particular week, please notify the director, Elaine MacDougall (efick1@umbc.edu), so that our staff can better accommodate your students’ needs. Also, please encourage your students to make appointments at least two or three days before their paper is due.
How can students make appointments?
The Writing Center offers both walk-in tutoring and tutoring by appointment. Students who come for a walk-in session will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are encouraged to make an appointment through our website.
Does the Writing Center offer online tutoring?
Yes, the Writing Center realizes the need for online tutoring. Students will see ‘e-tutoring only’ underneath online tutors’ names when logging into our scheduling system. Our online hours are Monday – Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
What should students bring to the Writing Center?
Students should bring their paper prompt, any associated rubrics, sample papers, or supplemental materials, and any writing they have drafted before the session. Students in the pre-writing stage should bring note-taking materials.
What does a typical session look like?
Students may schedule 30 minute or hour long appointments with the Writing Center. A tutor will first ask the student what the student wants to work on, so the student is expected to take an active role and set the initial focus for the session. The student may be asked to read their paper aloud and mark any areas of concern. While the student is reading, the tutor may take notes. Tutors then address higher-order concerns like refining thesis statements, addressing organizational issues, and crafting introductions and conclusions. Lower-order concerns, like mechanics and citation conventions, are addressed later, unless they impede readers’ comprehension of the text. At the end of a session, the student generally leaves with recommendations for revision. It is the student’s responsibility to implement any suggested changes.
What resources exist for graduate students?
Graduate students may receive more appropriate feedback from the Graduate Student Writing Advisor, sponsored by the Graduate Student Association. Visit http://gsa.umbc.edu/writing-advisor for more information about this resource. Graduate students whose first language is a language other than English may be eligible for tutoring through UMBC’s English Language Institute in the University Center.
What other resources might be helpful?
The AOK library staff offers fantastic workshops on a variety of subjects and will sometimes create workshops or presentations upon request. We also recommend that students familiarize themselves with online resources such as the OWL at Purdue, and online source managers like Zotero and Easybib. Students who are English language learners are welcome to visit the Writing Center, but they may also benefit from the English Language Institute’s conversation partner program.
Please remember that writing is a skill that takes years to learn and refine. One session at the Writing Center is very unlikely to result in a perfect paper or to substantively change what students have learned (or not learned) during their lengthy educational careers. However, one session can help students learn to become better readers of and reflectors on their own and others’ writing. Finally, please keep in mind that the Writing Center is a peer tutoring center—our undergraduate tutors do their very best, but they still have much to learn themselves, and they cannot be expected to master every discipline’s writing style and conventions. Students will get more from their time at the Writing Center when professors actively teach students how to plan, research, and revise the kind of writing done in their own disciplines.