All Writing Center tutoring starts on February 10th and ends on May 13th.
Schedule a Tutoring Appointment via TracCloud
Writing Center in the Library
The Writing Center is a tutoring space dedicated to helping UMBC students with writing in any class at any stage of the writing process. The Writing Center offers scheduled appointments. All writing center meetings are one-to-one sessions that generally last between 30 minutes to an hour.
We work with students at any stage of the writing process, so you don’t even need to bring a rough draft. If you’re having trouble getting started, bring us your assignment sheet and spend a few minutes talking about pre-writing strategies with any of our experienced tutors. If you have an outline, we can help you expand and improve on that, as well.
Appointments will be in person or conducted online either synchronously, via Webex, or asynchronously, via a shared Google or Word document. Once an appointment is scheduled, students will receive an email with instructions about how to log in and/or share their writing assignment before the scheduled time.
If you have any questions about the Writing Center please contact:
We look forward to seeing you soon!!